CTSA Bye-laws

Patron: The Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire

President: Mrs S. Miller

1. The Name of the Association shall be called the “Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association”.

2. The Object of the Association is to promote, encourage and facilitate the development of the participation in the sport of target shooting.

3. The policy and general management of the affairs of the Association shall be directed by a committee. The members of the committee shall be deemed the Officers of the Association, who shall all be nominated by the shooting Clubs holding full membership of the Association from time to time. Additional committee members may be co-opted by the committee. All Committee members must be over the age of 18 and be full current members of the Association in their own right, either by way of personal membership or as members of constituent member Clubs.

All rimfire rifle, precision air rifle and pistol posts on the Committee shall be open only to rimfire, precision air or pistol shooters respectively or those who can demonstrate relevant knowledge and experience of the conduct and range safety rules and regulations applicable to each discipline.

The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Committee shall be elected by members of the Committee from among their number, all of whom are to be nominated by their respective member Clubs as set out above.

The Chair of the Association, who will also be the “responsible person” for the outdoor range located at Norman Cross, must be a member of a Home Office approved club which has affiliated to the CTSA and a person who is an FAC holder and RCO for rimfire shooting. In any event such person must have a good current working knowledge of the NSRA Rules and Regulations.

4. Membership shall be open without discrimination to:

a. Clubs, groups or organisations situated within Cambridgeshire

b. Individual members, whether resident in the County or not  

5. Application for membership shall be made to the Committee.Election to membership shall be decided by a quorate majority of the Committee, taking into account the current firearm legislation.

6. All individual members, clubs, groups or organisations shall pay such subscription and charges as the committee may from time to time determine.

7. The use of the range for individuals, civilian clubs, groups and organisations will be small-bore and air rifles and/or pistols only. Permitted targetry on the main range shall be paper or electronic targets only.  Metal targets of the “knock-down” type are permitted on the extension air range to the right of the range proper, which shall include the zero range lanes.

8. The use of the range by any Organisation should comply with the range certification.

9. Where legal requirements or Home Office Regulations apply, members must comply with and satisfy such requirements and regulations.

10. The committee may create any class of membership they deem necessary, may determine what benefits or rights such member may have, and may lay down procedures for introduction of prospective new members to the Association.

11. The committee of the Association may, if they think fit, refuse any individual, club, group or organisation for membership without assigning any reason.

12. Disciplinary matters.

a. The power to expel and the circumstances are stated in section 20 b) of the constitution.

b. Any member due to be expelled shall have 14 days written notice from the CTSA committee, detailing the complaint against them.

c. The member shall be given an opportunity to make written representations and or appear before the committee and be accompanied by a representative/friend who may answer complaints and cross examine.

d. The member is entitled to appeal as set out in section 20 b) of the constitution, being heard by the Members.

13. Any individual, club, group or organisation whose subscriptions or fees are more than 3 months overdue will automatically cease to be a member of the Association.

14. The Range facilities owned by the Association, known as the Douglas Mottram range (“DMR”), are situated at Norman Cross and shall be available for use by all clubs, groups and organisations which have paid the necessary subscriptions and fees due on the 1st January of each year.

15.  Any additions to facilities made by any organisation, other than the Association, shall be permitted on a bare licence basis, save in the event of their being incorporated irretrievably into existing property of the Association. In such circumstances such additions shall become the property of the Association.

16. Alterations to any facilities or equipment shall only be made with the permission of the Association, and any such alterations shall not affect the ownership by the Association of such facilities or equipment.

17. Every club, group or organisation having paid the appropriate subscription shall be granted one day in each year when they have sole use of the range. This day must be notified, in advance, to the range co-ordinator and secretary, giving at least one month’s notice.

18. The individual member, club, groups and organisation must ensure they have adequate insurance, both for their property and third party risks, before shooting on the range.

19. Any property left on the range will be completely at the owner’s risk. The Association will accept no responsibility for such property

20. Any damage seen, or caused to the facilities or equipment, must be reported to the committee at the earliest available opportunity.

21. Unless it is a day where a club, group or organisation has sole use of the range then every paid up member has equal rights for use of the facilities.

Updated May 12th 2024