Data Protection Policy

For the purposes of the Data Protection Acts generally and the GDPR 2018, members are required to consent to their contact and other identifying details being held on a computer for the purposes of target shooting and legal obligations associated with it.

The “explicit informed consent” provision of GDPR is not engaged, as it is necessary for the administration of the sport within the County to hold and process this information. Further, given the nature of target shooting as a sport, it is legally necessary to hold members’ details so that the appropriate notification can be made to the Police in the event of a breach of firearms law.

The member’s details shall not be transferred to any other body outside the United Kingdom, and shall not be made available to any third party save as necessary to comply with the requirements of UK law.

Upon a member’s retirement, his or her details will be held for a maximum further period of two years, and thereafter erased as there will be no reasonable necessity to hold such information for longer. If a member so requests, the Association’s records of that individual can be expunged earlier, within 7 days of receipt of such a request.

Upon request, the Association shall provide free of charge to a member or former member a copy of all personal data held concerning that member, within 3 weeks of receipt of any such request.